Rissalah College - Special Assembly for New Arrivals from Gaza

The Ambassador of the State of Palestine, HE Dr Izzat Abdulhadi, Mrs Zeina Abdulhadi, and Counsellor Noura Saleh were profoundly honoured to attend a Special Assembly at Risallah College in Sydney, organized to welcome the new students who recently arrived to Australia from the Gaza Strip and enrolled at the College. Talking with these young people and their families, who have all shown such incredible resilience, steadfastness, and courage, was deeply moving and inspiring.
The Ambassador was invited to deliver a speech on the occasion, in which he expressed his sincere gratitude to the Principal, the Chairman, and the entire management team of Rissalah College for their sponsorship initiative and support for these young students and their families.
The Ambassador expressed his deepest respect and admiration for the students in particular for their unshakeable determination to pursue their education, no matter what. He stressed that the Palestinian people know what it is like to be denied the fundamental right to education, and therefore we understand its true value - not only for individual growth, but as an important tool for resilience, liberation, and justice.
The Ambassador reaffirmed in this context that the people who have come to Australia from Gaza are assets to this country, not liabilities.
The Special Assembly was also attended by the Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister of Education, along with other dignitaries and officials.