Statement of 6 March 2024
In light of recent unfortunate and condemnable actions taken in Melbourne at the Indonesian Consulate General premise and at a protest during the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit on 4 March 2024 involving members of the West Papuan separatist movement and members of the Palestinian community, the General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific wishes to convey the following:
The aforementioned actions taken at the Indonesian Consulate General premise and at a protest during the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in Melbourne are regrettable and unhelpful in furthering the just cause and objectives of the Palestinian people.
These actions do not represent the interests or positions of the majority of the Palestinian community in Australia, who are overwhelmingly supportive of Indonesia and appreciative of its firm political stance and actions in support of Palestinian rights, especially the right to self-determination.
It does not serve Palestinian interests or objectives for our just cause to be exploited or used as a tool by any other local or international groups, particularly at a time when the Palestinian people are facing such extreme and imminent existential threats at the hands of Israel, the brutal occupying Power.
We reaffirm that Indonesia is a committed and vital strategic partner to Palestine, supporter to the Palestinian people, and advocate for Palestinian rights, whether in bilateral relations or in international multilateral fora, including but not limited to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the United Nations, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and the International Criminal Court (ICC).
We call on all Palestinian community members and organisations to unite their voices and efforts to avoid any distractions from our important and urgent objectives, which include securing an immediate ceasefire to save innocent lives, ensuring the provision of sufficient aid to our people throughout Gaza, protecting the Palestinian people from Israel’s ethnic cleansing attempts and forcible displacement, and ending Israel’s illegal colonial occupation and apartheid regime once and for all.