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Welcome by the Ambassador

Welcome by the Ambassador

Izzat 3

I have held the post of the Ambassador and Head of the General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific since 2006. I am honored and privileged to represent the State of Palestine to these nations and thank the people of Australia, New Zealand, Timor Leste, Vanuatu and the Pacific Nations for their warmth and hospitality.

Australia, New Zealand and Palestine have a relationship that dates back to the liberation of Palestine by Australian and New Zealand soldiers during World War One. This relationship is rich and longstanding. It is a relationship founded on important and enduring political, economic and cultural ties, and is strengthened by the many Palestinians who contribute strongly to life in Australia and New Zealand and who have made these nations their home.

The General Delegation is committed to being a positive actor for cooperation and understanding between the people of Palestine, Australia and New Zealand, and hopes that these countries will continue to grow and strengthen their historic and political relationship.

The General Delegation is committed to pursuing the Palestinian peoples’ right to a just peace in accordance with the principles and practices of international law. This will be achieved through a viable democratic state with full independence and sovereignty within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. A Palestinian state is integral to the realization of the Palestinian peoples’ internationally enshrined right to self-determination, and is crucial for the implementation of a two-state solution as the internationally agreed solution for a just and durable peace, for Palestine, Israel and the region.

As part of our diplomatic mission, The General Delegation is proud to launch our updated website, which will act as an important avenue of communication with the Australian, New Zealand and Pacific communities. Here you will be able to access a number of services that will help you keep informed and up-to-date with the General Delegation’s activities, the current situation in Palestine and ways in which you can engage and become involved.

This website will be used as a means of increasing government and public awareness by disseminating accurate information and increasing public knowledge on a number of issues. These include the history of Palestinian life and culture, the history and current realities of the Israel-Palestine conflict and opportunities for trade and tourism in Palestine.

In addition, The General Delegation provides consular services that can be accessed through this website. These include power of attorney for internal Palestinian matters, passport renewal support and document certification. Please see the Forms and Procedures Manual at this website.

If you would like to receive information on Palestine or the work of the General Delegation, you can subscribe to the General Delegation’s email list via the front page of the website. This website, along with our monthly newsletter and facebook page are designed to be interactive avenues of communication, please use them to keep in contact with any questions, feedback or recommendations.



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