Dr. Ashrawi: “The European role is essential in bringing an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine and Israel’s stepped-up illegal settlement campaign before it is too late”
PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, yesterday met with the European Union Representative to the West Bank, Gaza Strip and UNRWA, John Gatt-Rutter at the PLO headquarters in Ramallah. During the meeting they discussed the latest political developments in Palestine as well as issues of mutual concern.
Dr. Ashrawi stressed the importance of the European role in supporting the two-state solution and in bringing about an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine and Israel’s stepped-up illegal settlement campaign before it is too late. They discussed ideas to that effect and steps relevant to Palestine in its accession to UN charters and conventions and Palestine joining UN agencies and organizations.
In addition, Dr. Ashrawi met with a Canadian delegation representing the National Democratic Party: “Despite Canada’s official position in support of Israel and a negative vote in the UN, we will not give up on Canada. We believe what is required is an even-handed approach in support of a just peace consistent with international and humanitarian law.”
Dr. Ashrawi also addressed a delegation from Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia) on Sunday, and she answered questions on Palestine achieving non-member state status in the United Nations, the US role and the need of urgent action to prevent further deterioration and instability, as well as internal Palestinian issues and regional developments.